Precious User Guide

Precious is Marex’s web-based trading application specifically for precious metals contracts. It includes watchlists, blotters and charting to give you a comprehensive trading experience.

Monitor your post-trade documents and statements within the app and via email. Please note that trades executed in Neon Precious will not appear in Neon Portfolio.

Accessing Neon Precious

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How to log in

How to log in to Neon Precious

Log into Neon as usual at

find Neon Precious on the dashboard

From the Neon dashboard, find the Precious app icon in Your Apps at the top of the screen. If you require access to be granted, click "Request access" and a member of the Neon Concierge team will be in touch to confirm your details.

Navigating Neon Precious

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The customisable screen

The Neon Precious trading screen is divided into four sections with a settings menu across the top.

Four screen sections on Neon Precious
  1. Trading: Rates shown based on the amount you’re trading.
  2. Orders: Submit orders.
  3. Order Status: Manage orders.
  4. Blotter Panel: Analyse and manage your trading activity.

Detach each of these panels and manage them as separate browser windows.

Settings menu bar tools

user settings on Neon Precious

  • User settings including configuration options for trading, orders, currency pairs and watchlist.
  • Screen Lock ON/OFF: Lock and unlock the trading screen
  • Volatile Market ON/OFF: Wider execution ranges for quick fills during volatile market conditions.
  • OFF ALL ORG: Cancel all active and suspended orders in your organisation. Using this setting is only recommended if you are clear of the effect on your account.
  • Org and Account: The organisation and account you are trading for.
  • View Balances: Balance, P&L, and margin info for customers of brokers
  • Logout


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The Board on Neon Precious

  1. Click ESP then Board at the top of the panel.

  2. Use the panel defaults or change them:
    1. Choose or enter a currency pair.
    2. Enter a size.

  3. Click or double-click the price (configurable). The Orders blotter and Order Status panel show your new order.


The Board on Neon Precious

  1. Click ESP then Ladder at the top of the panel.
  2. Use the panel defaults or change them:
    1. Choose or enter a currency pair.

  3. Click or double-click a tier (configurable). The Orders blotter and Order Status panel show your new order.


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Submit orders

Neon Precious submit orders screen

Use the Order Entry panel to submit orders.

Active orders

Manage your orders in the Order Status panel and Orders with the following tools:

  • SUSPEND/RESUME: A suspended order is not matched with incoming rates and other market participants cannot see it.

Suspended orders expire according to their time in force. For example, suspended day orders still expire at the end of the trading day. Only GTC orders can remain suspended indefinitely.

  • FILL @ MKT: Quickly fill the open amount of any unfilled stop or limit order. Neon Precious submits the remaining balance as a market order.
  • OFF: Cancel the order.
  • OFF ALL: Cancel all orders.

Order types

  • LMT: Matched at the limit price or better.
  • MKT: Matched immediately by sweeping the book.
  • STOP: Starts executing when the top of book breaches the order's trigger rate. The order is then executed as a market order.


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Using the blotter

Blotter on Neon Precious

Manage today's trading activity in one simple panel with the Blotter feature.

Done Trades

Blotter on Neon Precious

A record of today's completed trades.

Click a trade ID to open a Trade Ticket window.


Orders, their status, and any associated done trades. Users with the correct permission can see both their own orders and orders submitted by other users in their organisation.
Click an order ID to open an Order Details window with a list of any done trades.
Click the / expand/collapse button next to an order ID to show done trades, if any.
You can do the following with active orders in the blotter:

  • Cancel with the OFF button.
  • Suspend and resume order matching with the SUSPEND/RESUME toggle button.


Your current positions by currency with dynamically calculated values for each open position.

Click the expand/collapse button next to currency pairs to see open positions.


System messages from your trading actions, such as taking prices and submitting orders.


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Where to find the settings menu

Neon Precious settings menu

Click Settings in the toolbar to access settings.


Neon Precious settings menu - general settings

Display - Date, time, and amount display preferences.

P/L currency - Choose the P/L currency for positions.

Disable automatic unit shortcuts - Apply units to amounts of four or less whole numbers to protect you from entering inadvertently large amounts.

Show prices for maximum size available - Show prices for the maximum size currently available in the market or only for your requested size. If there are no prices greater than or equal to your requested size, Neon Precious shows empty prices.

Show dealt currency direction on trading panels - Show the dealt currency with the SELL/BUY indicators in ESP trading panels.


Neon Precious settings menu - trading settings

Trading Style - Take prices with a single click or double click. Some traders prefer the convenience of a single click while others prefer the security of a double click. Regardless of the setting you choose, Neon Precious adds a one second delay after you take a price to protect you from accidentally executing multiple trades.

Confirm order submission - Require additional confirmation with a pop-up window when taking ESP prices from the Board, Full Book, and Ladder panels and submitting orders from the Order Entry panel.

Confirm RFS Trade Submission - Require additional confirmation with a pop-up window when taking prices from the RFS Spot/Outright and RFS Swap panels.

Confirm Pre-trade Allocation (PTA) Submission - Require additional confirmation with a pop-up window when submitting pre-trade allocations.

Volatile Market Multiplier - During times of increased market volatility, execution ranges that are effective in normal market conditions are too narrow and the orders you place may go unfilled. Use the Volatile Market slider switch in the Settings menu bar to quickly increase the execution range of your market range orders to better ensure that your liquidity needs are met. You define the volatile market factor with the Volatile Market Multiplier field in the Trading settings window (Settings > Trading). To toggle volatile market trading on and off, click the Volatile Market slider button in the Settings menu bar. When the slider is ON, the execution ranges that you have defined are multiplied by the Volatile Market Multiplier value.

Rows to display in Full Book - Set the number of rows of prices in the Full Book panel. The number must be between 1 and 12. When you specify 6 or more rows, a scrollbar appears so that you can scroll through all prices in the panel.

Maximum notional amount - You can define a maximum size for the prices you take and orders you place. The maximum size limits your potential exposure to inadvertently trading too large a size. In the trading panels, if you enter an amount that exceeds the maximum size, Neon Precious alerts you with an override button and disables trading in the currency. Click the override button to continue. When you trade the term currency, the maximum size is converted using the market midrate.

Execution Range: Range - For each currency pair, define a range of pips by notional size that you are willing to accept to ensure immediate execution. Neon Precious matches your orders according to that range:

  • Range greater than zero:
    Your orders are matched against market prices within that range from the top of the book.
  • Range of zero: Your orders are matched as a limit order using the price you take as the limit price.

Execution Range: Fill at MKT Range - Define a range of pips for market orders submitted when you click the Fill @ Mkt button in the Order Status panel Neon Precious uses the fill-at-market range when filling TWAP orders when they expire. This range is separate from the default range that you set for market orders, allowing you to set a wider range for immediate execution of fill-at-market orders.

Execution Range: Expiry - Define the number of seconds your GTT orders are active by currency pair and size. This setting applies to ESP trading in the Board, Full Book, and Ladder panels.


Neon Precious settings menu

Quick Orders: Display - Choose whether you see just the increment amount or the incremented pips in the Quick Order drop-down list.

Quick Orders: Pip Increment - Set the pips increment in the Quick Order drop-down lists. The increment is either shown directly or is used to show incremented pips.
Quick Orders: Time in force - Choose when your Quick Orders expire.

Currency pairs

Neon Precious settings menu - currency pairs settings

Choose the order of currency pairs in trading panels.


Neon Precious settings menu - watchlist settings

Add, edit and delete watchlists.